Project Showcase

Explore my innovative projects blending bioengineering, computer science, AI and more!

white robot near brown wall
white robot near brown wall
AI-Driven Customer Feedback & Prioritization Tool

Developing an AI-driven feedback prioritization system that leverages machine learning to analyze customer insights, aligning product features with user needs and improving decision- making processes

stylus pen in front of table computer
stylus pen in front of table computer

Designed and developed a comprehensive mobile application for warfarin therapy, enabling efficient self-monitoring and real-time data-sharing between patients and healthcare providers

* In Progress

Utilized technologies such as React Native, Python, C++, and Java to deliver a robust full-stack solution that meets the unique needs of warfarin patients

a close up of a structure with a blue background
a close up of a structure with a blue background

MotifSeeker is a Python command-line tool that identifies enriched motifs in genomic sequences by analyzing reference genomes and peak files. It offers a streamlined alternative to more complex tools like HOMER, providing key functionality for motif discovery in a simple and efficient manner.

Project Gallery

Showcasing my bioengineering and computer science project experiences.

monitor showing Java programming
monitor showing Java programming
gray and black laptop computer on surface
gray and black laptop computer on surface
person holding blue light bulb
person holding blue light bulb
grayscale photo of person using MacBook
grayscale photo of person using MacBook
woman in white long sleeve shirt using black laptop computer
woman in white long sleeve shirt using black laptop computer
MacBook Pro on top of brown table
MacBook Pro on top of brown table